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Psychology Publications

Selected Recent Articles

Derreumaux, Y., ... & Ben-Zeev, A. (2023). Stereotypes Disrupt Probabilistic Category Learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. DOI: 10.1037/xge0001335


​Ben-Zeev, A. (2023). Cold and Hot Cognition: How Jesmyn Ward Cultivates Moral Imagination in Men We Reaped. PsyArt, 27, 101-123.


Seliger, J., & Ben-Zeev, A. (2020). Race is still black and white: Voluntary Racial Phenotypic Change Elicits Meaning Threat and Backlash. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 12, 1-18.


Estrada, M., Young, G., Nagy, J., Goldstein, E. J., Ben-Zeev, A., Márquez-Magaña, L. & Eroy-Reveles, A. (2019). The Influence of Micro Affirmations on Undergraduate Persistence in Science Career Pathways. CBE: Life Sciences Education, 18, 1-15.


Ben-Zeev, A., Paluy, Y., Milless, K. L., Goldstein, E. J., Wallace, L., Márquez-Magaña, L., Bibbins-Domingo, K., & Estrada, M. (2017). ‘Speaking Truth’ Protects Underrepresented Minorities’ Intellectual Performance and Safety in STEM. Education Sciences, 65, 1-12.


Oliver, A, Andemeskel, G., Wallace, L., McDougal, S., Monteiro, K., & Ben-Zeev, A., (2017). “I’m Black and I’m Proud”: Stereotype Threat Impacts Affective Aspects of Black Identity. Race and Social Problems, 9, 313–320.


Estrada, M., Eroy-Reveles, A., Ben-Zeev, A., Baird, T., Domingo, C., Gomez, C., Bibbins-Domingo, K., Parangan-Smith, A., & Márquez-Magaña, L. (2017). Enabling full representation in science: the San Francisco BUILD project’s agents of change affirm science skills, belonging and community. BMC Proceedings, 11(Suppl 12):25.


Ben-Zeev, A. & Dennehy, T. C. (2014). When boys wear pink: Gendered color cue violations evoke risk taking. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 15, 486-489.


Dennehy, T. C., Ben-Zeev, A., & Tanigawa, N. (2014). “Be prepared!”: A mindset for alleviating social identity threat. British Journal of Social Psychology, British journal of social psychology, 53, 585-594.


Ben-Zeev, A., Dennehy, T. C., Goodrich, R. I., Kolarik, B. S., & Geisler. M. W. (2014). When an “educated” Black man becomes lighter in the mind’s eye: Evidence for a skin tone memory bias. SAGE Open, 4, 1-9.


Ben-Zeev, A., Scharnetzki, L., Chan, L. & Dennehy, T. C. (2012). Hyper-masculinity in the media:  When men “walk into the fog” to avoid affective communication. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 1, 53-61.


Ben-Zeev, A. & Kirtman, N. (2012). Stereotype threat beyond the laboratory: Do single sex colleges signal a safety in the air? In B. O. Hunter & T. J. Romero (Eds.), Psychology of Threat. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science.


Morsella, E., & Ben-Zeev, A. (2012). Cognition and action in the social world. In S. T. Fiske & C. N. Macrae (Eds.), Sage handbook of social cognition (278-294). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.


Ben-Zeev, A., Dennehy, T. C., Sackman, R., Olides, A., & *Berger, C. C. (2011). Flirting with threat:  Social identity and the perils of the female communality prescription. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47, 1308-1311. 








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